24/7 Service Available

Anderson Homeowners Trust Action Air

Ever wonder why you see Action Air trucks running around all over Anderson? Who are those guys anyway?
Gary Sylvester, John Dinger and Kandie DingerAction Air is a family owned heating and air conditioning Company that has been in business since 1986. Located in Fishers, IN Action Air was started by John and Kandie Dinger, and has been providing service and replacement of the heating and air conditioning needs in homes around central Indiana for over 26 years. Why are you seeing us in Anderson so much? In 2003 we partnered with Gary Sylvester, formerly of Sylvester’s Total Comfort in Anderson. Gary brings with him a lifetime of experience in the industry, as his father Gene Sylvester started that business in 1952.

Many of the employees here at Action Air, from the office staff to the technicians live in Anderson. Since the technicians take their trucks home each night., you may have seen them parked in your neighbor’s driveway while making furnace repairs, at the gas station filling up before they head off for the next furnace appointment, or even at the grocery store as they make their way home for the night.

With such strong ties to the Anderson community, serving the Anderson market is just a natural progression for our Action Air. Keeping folks in Anderson warm in the winter, cool in the summer and breathing fresher, cleaner, healthier air all year long is our goal. The next time you have a furnace that needs replaced, air conditioner not cooling properly, or just need some maintenance done to keep things in good working order, think Action Air. While we may not be located in your neighborhood, we really are part of your community.