Last Saturday Action Air participated in a very worthwhile project called Bring the Heat. Several Heating and Air Conditioning companies from Indianapolis, Fishers, Carmel and Shelbyville came together to perform furnace tune ups and safety inspections for 100 families needing help this year. The families involved had applied for help through INHP, the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership. Kicking off the event was Mayor Greg Ballard, who declared Saturday October 2, 2010 Bring The Heat day in Indianapolis.
Technicians dispersed around 8 AM to take care of the scheduled tasks in which they were assigned, and within 5 hours 100 furnace tune ups had been performed. Many of the furnaces inspected needed parts replaced, and several were found to be unsafe. Partnering vendors supplied necessary parts and furnaces needed to keep these families warm this winter, and volunteers from participating HVAC companies will make sure the needed repairs and installations get completed before the cold weather sets in.
One of our Action Air technicians Mark, found a furnace with a flue connection that had completely crumbled away from the furnace, spilling dangerous carbon monoxide gasses into the the home of an elderly cancer patient. He said after completing his work for the day ” I feel like I saved her life, that old furnace was dangerous. I would hate to think of what could have happened if she had tried to use it this winter.” The partners involved in this project, along with Action Air are seeing to it that this lady gets a new, safe furnace installed. ” You are such a blessing to me, I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t taking care of this” declared the grateful homeowner.