Whether it’s taking a hike or going out to dinner, here’s our list of great ideas for Mother’s Day gifts or activities in Indianapolis.
Mother’s Day is one of our favorite holidays, because we love to celebrate all our customers who are raising children – one of the most challenging jobs there is. And as always, we are happy to provide the mom in your life with an awesome HVAC system (and make her nice and comfortable no matter the season).
But we also want to make sure you have plenty of ideas for making your mom, sister, wife or any other special woman in your life feel super special this weekend. Whether you’re looking for something to do outdoors, on the town or at home, we’ve got you covered. Check out these things to do for Mother’s Day weekend in Indianapolis.
Take a hike. If your special mom loves to be out in nature, plan a hike and a picnic. Not only is it easy on the wallet, you can ask as many people as you want without worrying about reservations or limited seating. Prepare (or pick up) her favorite food and beverages (hint: champagne and chocolates are a bonus), and go on an adventure. You can find the perfect spot from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
Plant flowers. Find some extra space in your flower beds or landscaping, and create a Mother’s Day garden. Or arrange a container garden on your patio or deck. Visit the nursery together, pick out her favorite flowers or vegetables, and then have a planting party at home. Use your imagination to create a dedicated outdoor space … just for mom. For plant ideas and guides, visit Purdue Extension Garden Tips.
Make it sweet. If your mom has a sweet tooth, let her relax and take a nap while everyone else bakes a cake or prepares her favorite dessert. Not handy in the kitchen? Ride your bike or take a walk and go visit her favorite ice cream or cupcake shop. Need some ideas? Here are some yummy Mother’s Day desserts from the Food Network.
Pamper her. Mothers don’t usually take the time to pamper themselves, but you can make sure she does this weekend. Let her sleep in, and then serve her breakfast in bed. Or give her time alone so she can soak in a bubble bath or read a book without interruption. Consider giving her a gift card to her favorite nail salon or health spa. For more ideas – there are 20, to be exact – visit Parents.org.
See a movie. Butter up the popcorn and go enjoy a movie in a theatre instead of on the couch. And don’t skimp on the candy! Better yet, plan a road trip and go take in a drive-in movie, and take the whole family. Here’s a complete list of drive-in movie theaters in Indiana.
Be crafty. If your family enjoys DIY projects, get out the art supplies and make some awesome homemade gifts sure to bring her pleasure for years to come. The possibilities are endless. You can find creative (and non-tacky) craft ideas here – that include everything from Mason jar sewing kits to a family tree serving tray, and a sentimental photo holder. Take your pick.
Get out and about. There are lots of special events and activities planned around town, just waiting to be enjoyed. Visit a museum, the zoo, or hang out at the ball park. Visit Indy has a full range of Mother’s Day ideas and suggestions for Indianapolis.
Treat her to a meal. There’s nothing like the classic Mother’s Day Brunch – or special dinner out – that makes a mother feel appreciated. Anytime there’s not dirty dishes to deal with, it’s a blessing. Take her to her favorite restaurant, or be adventurous and try something completely new. To get started, OpenTable has a list of 35 Mother’s Day lunch, brunch and dinner specials.
What are you doing for Mother’s Day?
Do you have anything special planned this weekend for the mom in your life? Or do you have any Mother’s Day traditions that you’d like to share? Please let us know by leaving your comments or suggestions below.