24/7 Service Available

STOP overpaying the utility company!

Now is the time to make sure your furnace is in good shape for the cold winter ahead.  Having regular maintenance done on it is vital, especially if your furnace is more than a few years old.   Of course, checking it for safety issues is a priority, but having a furnace that is plugged with grime and grit will also cause it no run inefficiently, costing you more to heat your home than it should.

For example, a furnace that is operating at an efficiency of 60% means that you are wasting $40 out of every $100 you spend heating your home.  A thorough maintenance of the furnace can help increase the efficiency and help you get the most out of it this winter.  Making sure the components of the furnace are lubricated, tightened, adjusted, cleaned and working within manufacturers specified tolerance is all a part of the regular maintenance visit.  Call today to schedule your furnace maintenance, stop wasting your heard earned money, and have the peace of mind knowing that you furnace is safe for the long, cold winter ahead.