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Who Else Wants to Save Money?

Air Conditioner Maintenance Experts at Action AirWe’ve been working with several customers this week on a pretty smart deal. Yep, it’s so smart, it’s like this deal just graduated with highest honors from the School of Cool.
What could it be? Drum roll, please … it’s the Action Air Service Club Membership.
This is something we created years ago that’s worked out great for our customers. That’s because it gives you a tuned-up system for the cooling season (and later for the heating season), plus repair discounts, priority service and improved energy efficiency from a system that’s properly maintained.
Helping you figure out the smart way to take care of your home comfort and energy usage is just one of the ways we like to look out for the people who are very important to us. So, the next time we’re in your home, I hope you’ll give us a chance to show you how joining a year-round program that puts your comfort on our priority list would be a big advantage.
In the meantime, to learn more about making routine maintenance a regular part of your household plan, view our Service Club page and then call us at 317-451-4371 to become a member.